segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

I can't make you love me - by Adele

Musicalmente falando gosto de sons muito diferentes entre si... oscilo entre uma musicalidade mais agressiva e entre aquelas canções calminhas calminhas e os poemas de fazer chorar as pedras da calçada...
Adoro músicas tristes... não porque sou triste, mas porque sim, não sei porquê mas fazem-me sorrir. Esta é uma delas.

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Adoro reuniões espontâneas! Quantas vezes as melhores coisas são aquelas que não são planeadas e são decididas no próprio momento.
O improvável por vezes acontece, e há coincidências (se é que as coincidências existem) muito curiosas.
Há certas coisas que não sei definir se são coincidência ou se são "encontros" previamente marcados... mas seja como for, ainda bem que acontecem! Fazem falta e dão sal à vida
Quando as vontades e disposições se juntam fazem-se coisas muito boas e gravam-se no nosso livro de memórias pedaços fantásticos de felicidade.

...And the sun follows the rain...

No pain no gain!
And that's why tomorrow we'll be here again...

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

...Crazy talk...

# 1: I can't stand to be alone anymore!
# 2: When were you ever alone?

# 1: You know... I want to find love... a real love!
# 2: Like in fairytales? (laughs)

# 1: NO! Not like that duh!
# 2: Good... because I think we're out of princes.

# 1: Stop joking! I'm empty... I really need love.
# 2: Are you saying you don't have love in your life?

# 1: Yes... that's what I'm saying.
# 2: Honey... I have never seen you be without love. Do you just want to be in a couple?

# 1: I want to have a special someone. I should've found that person by now! I'm not getting any younger you know?! And neither are you! How can you be so calm? Don't you worry about it?
# 2: I worry about a lot of things... and you, from where I stand, you have a lot of special someones in your life... you know you can't deny it. So STOP feeling pity on yourself, and crying for what you think you don't have and open your eyes and see what you have and how you can accomplish what you don't have yet.

# 1: I'm unhappy! I need someone to make me happy...
# 2: Oh babe... there's noone that will make you happy... you need to find within yourself the ability to be happy!

# 1: But I'm incomplete and I need to find my better half.
# 2: There's no such thing as a better half! You are a complete person! You're not a half person, so there's no half of you lost in the world waiting to be found...

# 1: Well... What you're saying makes sense... but still... I want to go out together and hold hands!
# 2: Here... you can hold my hand whenever you want to... Let's go and have a beer or two.



Mudanças... not an easy task!